WARP at the 2019 AIA meetings

There are five different talks by WARP staff members, most of them dealing with material from our survey, at the upcoming annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in San Diego:


  • “Maintaining the Conversational Flow: The Role of Roman Aqueducts in Greece” (20 min) Machal E. Gradoz, University of Michigan (SESSION 1I: The Architecture and Topography of Water in the Roman Empire, Marriott Grand Ballroom 4)
  • “The Kingdom of Chelmis: Architecture, Material Culture, and the Modern Landscape of the Western Argolid” (20 min) Grace Erny, Stanford University, and William Caraher, University of North Dakota (SESSION 2G: Theorizing Object and Landscape, San Diego Ballroom A)
  • “Merchants and Mercenaries: Crete after the Ptolemies” (15 min) Melanie Godsey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  (SESSION 2H: Economy on Crete and the Aegean from the Hellenistic Period to Medieval Times, Marriot Grand Ballroom 3)
  • “The Roman Period of the Western Argolid: Initial Analysis and Interpretations of an Intensive, Siteless Field Survey” (20 min) Joseph Frankl, University of Michigan, Scott Gallimore, Wilfrid Laurier University, William Caraher, University of North Dakota, and Machal Gradoz, University of Michigan  (SESSION 3C: Excavations in Greece, San Diego Ballroom A)


  • “The Medieval Countryside at a Regional Scale in the Western Argolid and Northeastern Peloponnesus” (15 min) Dimitri Nakassis, University of Colorado, Sarah James, University of Colorado, Scott Gallimore, Wilfrid Laurier University, and William Caraher, University of North Dakota (SESSION 6I: Colloquium The Medieval Countryside: An Archaeological Perspective, San Diego Ballroom A)

(This last talk was supposed to be delivered at last year’s AIA, but the panel had to be cancelled due to bad weather… I think that I had four flights cancelled on me last year in my attempt to get to Boston! )

I’m excited that we’re doing more work on the Roman, Medieval and Modern landscapes of the western Argolid, since we spent a lot of the 2018 study season focusing on these periods, and thrilled that so much of this work is being done by our superb graduate students.

Grace, Machal and Melanie in the field

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