New publication: “Landscape histories and terrestrial networks in the Peloponnese”

The survey’s latest publication is a long (46-page), multi-authored (10 of them) article in Hesperia entitled “Landscape histories and terrestrial networks in the Peloponnese: Results from the Western Argolid Regional Project,” which analyzes the relationship between terrestrial routes and human activity in the western Argolid and beyond. The western Argolid, looking north from Mt. Bachriami… More New publication: “Landscape histories and terrestrial networks in the Peloponnese”


Sweeping is a big part of archaeology. Some would say that 90% of archaeology is sweeping. In an excavation, it’s really important to keep your trench clean. In a survey, it’s important to keep your apotheke (storage space) clean. We’re hoping that our apotheke will be approved for use soon, so we took the opportunity to… More Sweeping